Job-hunting? I guess by now you already know how tough the job market is. And with an over-supply of eager applicants aching for a job, employers have the luxury of picking out only the best from the batch. And while you may have an impressive resume, chances are, thirty thousand other applicants have resumes as impressive as yours.
What you do and say within the first 30 seconds of your interview will spell the difference whether you get hired on the spot or you get that "Thank you, we'll give you a call" excuse.
Choose your words and actions well. You only have a few seconds to shine and rise above the clutter. For example:
- Avoid cliches such as, "Thank you for this opportunity..." or "I'm very happy to be here...". Opportunists CANNOT be trusted; and if you wanted to be very happy, go to Disneyland, instead.
- A firm handshake shows confidence. But be wary. There is a thin line between confidence (which is good!) and arrogance (definitely a no, no!).
- Employers will be looking for keywords and phrases. Prior to your interview, search the Internet for information about the company in particular and the industry in general. Pick out relevant issues or events. Try to sound knowledgeable about the industry. Keywords such as "Efficiency" , "Profitability", "Problem-solving", or "Team" are music to employers' ears.
I trust this can give you the competitive advantage. Now go WOW them with a winning first impression. Get that job at first sight !
did you get it?
duh...? Did I get what?
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